I've updated my cell phone and it, of course, comes with many features, games mp3 player, calculator, and alarm clock to name but a few. It also has a 1.3 mg camera. As you know, the photobear has to try out all his cameras. To be specific, my idea of a camera is that, it should operate in as many ways as possible. Being a 'you press, we do the rest' there are no controls on the camera. Dang. It is fully automated. That's not a bad thing, just a limiting thing. To our advantage, the aperture is very tiny. That equals great depth of field. (The distance, that is in focus, is about a foot in front of the camera to infinity. That's a long way.) There is an optical illusion, that if everything is in focus, the picture appears sharp. We can discuss the large aperture later. Using the small aperture, we can get, apparently sharp pictures. Also, the small aperture requires a great deal of light, such as the sun. These were taken in overcast conditions. The little camera phone performs quite well.
Above is a pine branch, to experiment with the lens' close up ability. It's pretty good. If you notice the fence in the background, it's sharp for this type of lens. The brown end of the branch is no more than 5" from the camera. That's a down right good close up. There are lots of things in the close up world to take pictures of. Like this light blue flower. I don't know what it is, a 'violet'? Inspect the picture for a moment, is something wrong?
Of course, the flower is out of focus.
because the massive depth of field starts a little further away from the camera. Hmmm...this would be a nice shot but the flower is not sharp. It's too close to the camera, about 2.5". A part of the photoworld, we can't shoot. But wait, I have accessories, among them is a magnifying lens. I held the magnifier in front of the taking lens and guessed at the distance. It's quite good, don't you think? The color shift is caused by the magnifier being coated sort of a golden hue. I do have a clear one, somewhere.
That is the fun of photography, experimenting. Let me know what you think of this little trick. I've got more things to shoot.
Photonote: The camera has a digital zoom, but when I boosted the resolution to maximum, the zoom function went away. Because there is nothing to crop out when zooming at max. But,... you can crop in the computer, later.