Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Roaring Fork, National Park, Gatlinburg, Tenn.

These photographs were taken in Roaring Fork Park in Gatlinburg, Tenn. And you thought I only visited Disney. We discovered the park quite by accident and were really impressed with its beauty.

There are rocks, rocks, and more rocks everywhere. The people who ecked out a living in this incredible place WORKED. Hardship was the byword. You have to see it.

The hardships of living here must have been man killing difficult, tough people.

A photonote: These photographs were taken with my new Nikon D70s, and I was just getting use to it. It is a fabulous tool. I can make 8x12's with it and they are sharp. If you noticed, I love foamy fluffy water. To get it, you must use a slow shutter speed, perferably 1/4 second or slower. The camera records a history with each picture and they say I was at 1/6 of a second. Next time I'll go for 1/2 sec. or slower. Tripod used for the long exposures was 'rock'. They are laying aroud everywhere. The daylight pictures were easy, just f/8 and be there.

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